Ernest unexpectedly had 3 extra days off school last week, when a norovirus spell swept through Hogwarts. It mainly struck the faculty. They were probably exposed to it just before the students returned from break. Ernest used his free time wisely: practicing levitation in the climbing cave, riding on his specialized nimbus 2011, and chatting through the fire (would that be the magical equivalent of skyping?) with his friend from Beauxbatons. Back to the grind of herbology, numerology, magical history and the like on Monday.
Wow, I'm trying to translate this into Muggle-speak and only halfway succeeding!
Glad that your household seems to be escaping the virus.
The norovirus is the WORST! My whole family came down with it several years ago, and we still talk about it--particularly the neighborhood dogs getting worked up into a barking tizzy at the loud noises my husband made when he was throwing up. I hope your family is spared.
Ew, how awful for them. Hopefully everyone stays bug-free after the break.
I'm so sorry you've been exposed to the plague! Darn kids....
ahhhh, Hogwarts, how I miss ye!
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