Growing up with a Norwegian mother and her elder sisters, coffee was ever present in our lives. They loved their instant coffee so much and drank it at all hours. The middle sister even ate it dry by the spoonful for a caffeine blast to treat her migraines. The eldest sister would set up her coffee percolator just for special occasions but would I ever get to taste the real coffee? No, just instant with a whole lot of milk.
But for me
The Javita is something new that the local Curves owner is selling. It contains some natural supplements that supposedly help you burn fat. I thought I'd try it for a month. I was told "oh it tastes just like real coffee" but it does NOT. It tastes instant-y, with an oogy herbal subtaste, so I'm mixing it with half a cup of real coffee to make it palatable. I've only been drinking it since Friday. I might have lost a pound. I'll tell you if it does anything for me or not after I've finished the box.
Then there's your coffee styling. I drink my coffee black. Frank adds half-and-half and 2 spoons of sugar. Handy goes either way, black if it tastes good and a little milk in restaurants if it's not so good. Ernest refuses to pollute his temple with caffeine.
What's your favorite?

I like freshly-brewed medium roast with a dollop of milk and cube of sugar.
Sometimes I go for cappuccino or something like that, but NEVER flavored coffees like pumpkin lattes.
My favorite is French Press brewed at home on the weekends with hubby. My other favorite is a Starbucks latte. I know, I know. My absolute favorite is Starbucks Peppermint Lattes in November and December.
All that said I don't indulge in coffee every day....
Coffee every day is a must --usually twice. My first preference is a latte (a double shot of espresso and steamed milk). For regular coffee, I require fresh-ground, meaning I've ground it myself in the last few days. I buy my beans from The Coffee and Tea Exchange in Chicago. I have gone back and forth between black and white, but I've never liked anything sweet in my coffee. No sugar, no syrups. And the idea of pumpkin spice in a latte is just revolting.
Also, I really hate Starbucks coffees. I've tried once or twice, because they have a drive-up, but there is some overwhelming flavor that is in every single coffee product they sell (in fact, you can smell it when you walk in the door) that I can. not. stand. I know lots of people love their coffee, so this must just be some weird personal quirk. My favorite latte is Panera's, but I've also had great lattes from small independent coffee places.
Sorry, I rarely drink coffee in any for. I'm a tea-with-cream-and-lots-of-sugar person. Once in a very great while I'll have a White Chocolate Mocha at the reviled Starbucks, but I don't think of it as coffee!
I NEED my caffeine, and I prefer it in coffee form. I started drinking coffee at church as a kid, with plenty of creamer and sugar to mask that nasty stuff they served.
When I was in 6th grade, my mom discovered this great new coffee in Seattle: St*rbucks. The deal she made with me is that she would save me a cup each morning if I drank it black. Deal! At 5'10", I'm pretty sure it didn't stunt my growth. ;)
When I met my husband, he drank his coffee with cream and I slowly began joining him.
Some days I drink nearly an entire pot of coffee, so it's probably good that I add some cream to line my stomach! However, when faced with a rich dessert or really good coffee, I return to the dark side.
At work we have some fabulous organic free-trade coffee; at home, I tend to drink (shhhh!) F*lgers because my husband doesn't like to spent money on coffee.
Washington State has a lot of independent coffee places and many of them taste better than that famous big-name company (which usually tastes kind of burnt).
Flavored coffees like pumpkin spice aren't very good, but it's hard to pass up the scent of a little vanilla. Pass the cream, please!
No coffee for me - a plain tea drinker here!
I am an outlier. I don't drink coffee. My students laugh at the thought of me caffeinated.
I love very hot, very fresh coffee with half-and-half, every morning without fail, Trader Joe's Fair Trade. No sugar, no flavored anything. (Black will do, if needed.) We drank french-press for several years but finally admitted IT IS oilier, with lots of sediment, so we gave up and went back to drip. And as hard as we try to do it exactly the same every day--sometimes it's delicious and sometimes it's a bit *meh*. One of life's mysteries! My Chicago son always bring me a bag of Intelligentsia coffee when he visits.
Regular coffee with a splash of milk, I do like a darker roast if I can get it.
Downtown Dad and I have practically kicked the coffee habit, preferring instead our cup of warm lemon water in the morning before our glowing green smoothies...
**I say, as I polish off my Venti Pumpkin Spice Soy Latte with a triple shot of capuccino from Starbucks**
OK, last night we were out too late entertaining some people from out of town... I needed a boost. :)
We use an Italian stovetop coffee pot that makes very strong espresso. It has spoiled me and now any kind of brewed coffee just tastes weak and watery to me. I'm guessing the coffee you bought from Curves contains Green Coffee Extract, which is supposed to aid in weight loss. It's available in pill form (I have not tried it, so can't vouch for it) so it's not necessary to allow it to ick up a good cup of coffee.
Flavored coffee makes me sick, but I really love my dark roasted regular. That Kirkland's coffee you picture here is roasted by Starbucks! I think it's great.
Oh, and I drink mine black with honey ever since I became dairy intolerant and realized that I really only like coffee if it tastes like melted coffee ice cream. I did without coffee for a full year and then gradually started back up again.
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