Friday, April 16, 2010

Snubbing Report

We're back home after the termite fumigation and I have to say, the cat snubbing was not as bad as I expected.

The vet's office said she was very good. Well, all my children are good, what can I say? There was loud meowing on the way home, but she didn't immediately run away or hide in the closet when I opened the carrier. She had a late lunch, a drink, went outside to relieve herself, and I believe right now she is napping on the warm roof (Ernest tracked her). So -- phew!

Meanwhile, I am unpacking all the bags of food we packed...slowly. Where's the wine?????


Susan said...

Glad it all worked out - hope you found the wine!

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

They're always good for someone else, are they not?