Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Cat Tales

She likes to help her boys with their gaming. Yes, she was actually pressing the keys with her paws.

I'm feeling a little guilty because when the house is fumigated, she will have to stay at the vets. Sigh. Will she ever forgive us? I mean me? Because usually she knows it's me that takes her there, and then I am the one she snubs afterwards. The HH suggested that Ernest go pet her while she is boarding, and I said NO. Because then she would be mad at him too if he didn't take her away from there. I feel she ought to focus her snubs on only one person (me) and then she can love everyone else, especially her boys with the nice warm computers on their laps.


smalltownme said...

She's on facebook!

Fannie said...

We had a cat years ago. When she was displeased she made it known by taking a crap in the middle of the living room. She was an equal opportunity snubber!

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

It's always the mother, is it not?