Friday, April 02, 2010


In that that 40 things meme I mentioned my dream job. Well, no job at all is my true dream job, and I'm aspiring to that this summer! I do love aiding the first graders, but the books constantly call me .... so maybe a library job would be a good fit...

And this has nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that that my lovely M-I-L was a librarian.

They say a man marries his mother, but he really didn't. It's just a coincidence that we both love to read. And I bet I read even more than she does.

Perhaps my librarian fantasy is just all about Robert Preston...


Yarni Gras! said...

oh my gosh, I LOVED that movie....totally forgotten about it until I saw your post. Thanks for the memories!

barbra said...

Good choice! Love the Music Man!