(As much as I love Wilbur, I confess...I also love eating pork. It's a dilemma I must deal with.)
Now I want to read Charlotte's Web again. And I'm off on one of my usual tangents.
I love the Garth Williams illustrations. He also illustrated Stuart Little, The Rescuers, the Laura Ingalls Wilder books, A Cricket in Times Square (which I think I sent to Debbie's boys in Japan), and one of the first books I ever owned, My First Counting Book: Here's another of my early books, Baby Animals, also illustrated by Garth Williams. Even at an early age, I was a little obsessive about collecting things. "How many of these LITTLE GOLDEN BOOKS have you read?" The black crayon marks indicate my collection.
I obviously still have some of these books since I am scanning them!
My thanks to Cheri, whose comment on another blog ("Save Wilbur!") sent me off on this tangent.