Homer and Francine spend much time lounging in their kitty condos. Homer is more adventurous and has made several investigative forays around the house. He has also advanced to a few lap sessions, and consented to sleep with Ernest for an hour last night. Unfortunately that gave skittish Francine the opportunity to sneak into Ernest's closet. (The day before, she chose behind the piano as her preferred location.)
So I text the kids Elvis-like updates..."Francine has left the closet." She's the Greta Garbo type.
I gave Francine breakfast in bed in her condo (at 4 p.m.) since she was in the closet for the morning meal. Homer was quite put out because there was no food for him, but jeez, look at the guy. He doesn't need seconds.
He's at his widest sitting down. He's one of those cats who would say, "I'm not fat, I'm fluffy." Yes, he is incredibly fluffy but, no surprise, he's fat underneath!