Wednesday, November 21, 2012

I Am Thankful for....

1) Ernest finally cleaned his room.  Although cleaning meant hauling out the loft bed which he hasn't slept in since we moved it in there 4.5 years ago.  And hauling out all the boxes of stuff that he stored on it or under it which he also hadn't touched in 4.5 years.  And leaving the boxes for me to deal with.  I should set up an ebay store!  Anyone want some lego?  Anyone want to buy a loft bed?

2)  Bribery.  Huh?  Why?  To get the traditional "Bye Mom" picture (his dad was going to be the one at the airport), I waved the promised bundle of travel money at him and said, "Want it?  I want a picture!"  So I got a pose.  He's ONLY going to New York for the week.  I guess he's there.  I got one text:  "The eagle has landed."  These free range children...

That pose was not unlike another pose I found on Facebook...

3) And I'm thankful for the living kit-cat clocks who stay at home.  Tick, tock...


Gary's third pottery blog said...

OHHHhhhh! Cats :)

Jennifer Denise Ouellette said...

I love it! When my daughter's friend picked her up at the airport, I got "I have secured the package." These kids today--they are whip-smart!

Karen (formerly kcinnova) said...

So if he didn't sleep in the loft bed, where did he sleep??

"The eagle has landed" is standard for me. I'm grateful when my kids bother to text safe arrival, too.

Glennis said...

That loft bed looks far too short for that long-legged young man!!