Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Blueberry Pie Day

Today is Blueberry Pie Day. I remember a couple of very fine blueberry pies.

But I just don't want to make one today.  I'll wait until the weekend when ERNEST GETS BACK!!!


Common Household Mom said...

Oh, YUM! But I am not ready for blueberry pie day today! Can we have it next week, when my son comes home?!

That second pie - what sort of blueberry pie is it? with custard? peaches? both? Please tell!

Karen (formerly kcinnova) said...

My mouth was watering just looking at those pictures, but then I saw your last sentence....

Gary's third pottery blog said...

End of the school year, huh? Hope he has been happy and doing well :) Funny, students leave just as the weather gets good....

smalltownme said...

CHM, I emailed you the recipe. It can also be found on this post:


Gary, crazy, huh! I think this is the only summer he will be coming back. Future summers will involve co-ops and summer session.