Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Out of the Closet

No, I'm not talking about celebrities discussing their sex lives.

I somehow got myself into the recesses of the closets of my house.  I hate cleaning and reorganizing.  But I needed to cram some boxes into the back of Ernest's closet.  He has the room with the biggest closets.  It's part of the deal that I get to store stuff in them.  I made a partial attempt to triage the closet two years ago, when Francine was a terrified newcomer and decided to hide in there.

Now "my side" of the closet looks much better, with room for luggage, tents and ice chests.  There are still several empty lego boxes and a basket of Power Ranger toys.  What to do with those?  I think they belong in "Ernest's side."  But I'm afraid to go there.  I think I've done enough for now.


Gary's third pottery blog said...

FanTASTIC footwear in your FANTASTICALLY sublime doodle HH :) I know what you mean about organization, OH YES...

Karen (formerly kcinnova) said...

Wow, I wish I could draw like that!

I haven't been able to even walk into my youngest son's room for the past week. Luckily, I don't need access to his closet!

Karen (formerly kcinnova) said...

PS: Gary is right about the shoes!

Anonymous said...

That is GREAT artwork!
I had a similar deal with my two younger boys who have a huge closet--but I did some finagling that made it all their space, thank goodness.